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Windows XP Zune Theme 버그?

사용에는 문제없지만 테마 설치 폴더에 문제가 있다는 내용입니다.

2007.02.24 많이 늦었지만 추가합니다. 새로 나온 버전에서는 수정되었습니다.

Fix your Windows XP Zune theme?

Fix your Windows XP Zune theme? Or maybe not.

As Bink.nu readers commented in the zune theme article, the theme is installed incorrectly. The shellstyle.dll is placed in the wrong folder.

It should be in C:\WINDOWS\Resources\Themes\Zune\Shell\NormalColor\
So when you put the file in there (after you created those folders) you'll notice a significant change in the theme, question is do you like it that way?